time to love
never forget you, I remember you
Picture perfect on Mozilla Firefox, disfigured in Internet Explorer. TT
Monday, April 25, 2011 // back to top?
I had been working on my design these 2 days. But, none of them make me satisfy! It's easier to think than to draw then out especially considering their outcomes on the linoleum and the difficulty of carving them and the limitation of materials. Frankly, it will be so so much easier to just draw on a shirt than to carve them onto the linoleum and then stamp them onto those shirts... -_- SIAN. But it's alright since I think I did my best for this. I hope the outcome will be good, but I doubt so uh... Alright, I won't set high expectations then.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 // back to top?
okay, school started. & I just remembered that I forgot to blog about some of the outings... and since I have a bad memory, I decided not to blog about all that. :P
One word after school starts. TIRED. really tired. I think I can sleep anywhere now... This week isn't that tedious yet though. Since it's so called orientation week for freshies, we managed to miss most of the lessons. ^^
okay, and I really feel like going out now. hehe maybe tomorrow? :P
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 // back to top?
^^ Really thank you so so much for today, fish, brenda, jovin, joce lao ahma, wanqin mama and huimin!
okay so I really didn't know that py and jovin are gonna meet me at my void deck. I thought I'm only meeting with brenda first. Haha yeah I got surprised, well done uh... & brenda nearly spill the bean out ytd on msn! cos she told me that she's meeting me at 10am, and meeting with jovin at 9.30am. So I was like ??? lol. Then she came up with some really convincing excuses like 'oh cos jovin always can't wake up, so I told her to meet earlier. Don't tell her kay?' Then I was like okay... -_- PRO UH! okay so they lighted up the cake! ^^ DORAEMON PLUSHIES & other SOUVENIRS! Love it all! Thank you alot alot, py, bren & jovin! :D
To choa chu kang, had yakun toast then headed to farmart. Fish spa!!! WTH, totally! LOL. But it's the highlight of today! hahaha funniest and most fun one! ^^ though it's super scary! wow so we went into the shop, anticipating. but... omg looking into the tank? lol. lots and lots of fishes! OMG! & for me, it's a little big to be dr. fishes. :X Got our leg washed, jovin went in first, then py. LOL brenda & me were screaming almost throughout the whole 30min session. >.< but I'm braver than brenda! She kept lifting her legs up! LMAO. I just kept moving in the water. Smart right? :P Luckily there are only us there at that time.
Headed to a farm, fed rabbits, hamsters, goats etc.. Headed back to cck mrt and to arcade. Played some games there. & yay! I'm 1st in driving!!! XD Shopped around for a while. Then to bishan with py to meet with joce lao ahma, wanqin mama & huimin. ^^ Had ajisen, then to library? lol. Weird place huh. haha. Anyways, thank you so much for meeting & for the bag! ^^
Fulfilling day! ^^ & thank you so much for all the wishes!
Monday, April 11, 2011 // back to top?
"I'm laughing not because I'm happy.
But if I do laugh, I can become happy."
- Choi Seung Hee [IRIS]
Sunday, April 10, 2011 // back to top?
It's alright if you aren't born with the talent,
just work hard.
Even though it may take more time,
even though you may not succeed after many tries,
just don't give up.
Take a break and try harder each time.
Every path is different & will lead you to different places.
Even if you had chosen a harder path,
don't ever regret.
Because you wouldn't know if other paths will be easier either.
[IRIS] Pics #3
Thursday, April 7, 2011 // back to top?

Gosh! I miss IRIS so much!!!
It's the best series ever!
Trust me and watch it if you haven't!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011 // back to top?
[Late update]
haha it happened yesterday(mon). Went to bugis with jovin. & the first stop we went when we arrived was the kids arcade at BHG(bugis junction). -_- Jovin's idea, not me. Played some of the games! Omo, and I rode on the horse machine! LOL. Just wanna try it since it's big enough for me to ride on. :P But damn damn embarrassing!!! Esp when some guys came in! GOSH! haha but I didn't rode for the whole ride, I came down half way. cos really, embarrassing. :X oh there's one aunty who seems really DAO and fierce. So scary... but she was nice enough to give us her remaining 200++ tickets after exchanging her stuffs. but still... scary. Thankful though. ^^ Exchanged a doraemon pouch & pen, jovin's rilakkuma card holder and a sticker? YAY-NESS! To iluma, bugis street. There's a watch which is kind of cool. haha but it cost $18. It sounds cheap for a watch but I don't trust the quality so yeah... but I really want it!!! T.T
[okay & I had a really bad gastric pain? before this! I hope it's just gastric pain though. Better wake up earlier tomorrow for breakfast!]
// back to top?
[Late update]
okay it's supposed to be on last sunday. so yeah, out with gor to boon lay & IMM. It's such a hot and sunny day haha. I still thought that it's gonna rain. If not I wanna go swimming! :/ I SIMPLY LOVE DAISO! LOL. Cheap & nice. Had yummy subway tuna!~ lol and you know what? We walked all the way to IMM and back to MRT instead of taking the shuttle bus. :P Just too lazy to wait for the bus. but I'm feeling so sleepy while walking back to the MRT. & it's like I can fall asleep anytime even when I'm walking! Omo!