Wednesday, May 21, 2008 // back to top?
Life's so miserable with him aferall. He's simply a petty person. I cant stand him...!!! And its really like lamesh!t when talking to him. Everyone has to obey him as if he's the king of the world... =.= Living with him is like hell and it SUCKS!!! it really sucks! zzz. And it SUCKS LIKE HELL! The faster to leave the republic the better, rather than to see his sickening face. SEE THIS! YOUR FACE IS SO SO SICKENING!!!
Oh, by the way, I had no choice but to go to the red cross camp which I don't wish to go at all... zzz. Being forced. Hope I won't regret signing up... =) There will be a contact session this saturday, and I had to leave Singapore on sunday... its so rush for me... T_T Wonder if I can finish up the task given by the sirs/maams before going to hongkong... I doubt so. yeah. So gotta rush when I come back... =((
i... really... don't know what to do...
Saturday, May 17, 2008 // back to top?
A day looking up at the sky, wondering whether I should go or not. But I cant find any answer. Maybe I shouldn't think too much and just go... Or maybe I shouldn't go since I am not really happy, so whats the point of going? Should I do things that will benefit me? Or rather do things that will make myself happy? I really don't know. I AM GOING CRAZY! I don't want to disappoint anyone. really, and I don't wish too. Its true that its just a small matter, but it seems big to me... I felt really helpless... and I had never felt this way before... never.
Pull me out, and just drag me across this matter, maybe I will feel better this way...
give me the simple life...
just give me the simple life...
and I am contented...
really, and I meant it.

Flipped coins. I've gotten tails and heads, sometimes with more tails, sometimes with more heads. zzz... And some if I've gotten more tails, I will hesitate, while if some I've gotten more heads I will too... Flipped 3 times more by random, and decided... more tails than heads, which meant that I shouldn't go. yeah. let fate decide, maybe I really shouldn't go...
from http://www.random.org/coins/
just in time before 12 midnight. LOLS!
Saturday, May 10, 2008 // back to top?
Ordered a new spectacle from toa payoh. Its pink in colour!!! PINK! hahas. Not too pink though. LOLS. Its such a sweet colour!!! Love it!!! x333 At first, 2 spectacle frames caught my attention. One of them is dark pink and black in colour, the other is pink in colour. Both are pretty nice. But the pink one should be nicer, I suppose. =))
Went in to the room and check the degree of my eye sight. Whew. Its fun!!! When the lady took the wierd wierd looking spectacle to me, I was like... duh? Hahas, look so nerd... LOLS. She told me to read the alphabets, then when I read until 'G', she was like giggling. Then I was like ??? LOLS. ok. That alphabet should be a 'C' instead of a 'G'... =.= And so I 'blamed' her for not writing it properly, wrote until its so curvy so I couldn't see it clearly, but its actually typed out what... yeah, I am just playing around. hahas. xD When its almost done, she flip to the smaller numbers and told me to read. I was like LOLS!!! Actually I couldn't really see, so I just say that I won't be seeing such tiny words, so there will not be a need to read that. Then she was like LOLS! hahahahahas! xP Continued reading... until I read the alphabet 'H'. ok. It should be 'N'... =.= I didn't know that until she looked at me with the 'are you sure' that kind of look. Then I just turned around and... ok. I knew... So she change the degree again and asked me to read again. Then I was like... LOLS! I read all correctly... but... its because I read it before what... so easy to remember... hahahahas!!! xP Then she was LOL-ing away... -.-
P.S. erm... too lazy to reply tag, so will reply tomorrow asap. Sorry. =))
Friday, May 9, 2008 // back to top?
Nice nice pictures of neoprints and others! =D

what happen in vegas? =D
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Zzz... zzz... in my sweet dreams all night... RING RING!!! There it goes, handphone ringing and ringing... And... my dreams... are... broken... T_T LOLS. hahas. Its a morning call from jovin to wake me up duh. Cause... I am just too lazy to get up. =x But I cant remember what I had dream of. LOLS! xD So it doesn't matter. hahas!
Planned to meet jovin at 11.00am in amk hub. But she came almost half an hour later... LOLS. Took mrt and meet up with jocelyn ahma, huimin and rachel. LOLS. Went to bugis. Watched a movie called 'what happen in vegas'. Hahas, erm... its funny and touching too. =)) But the funniest part is not from the movie... its from jocelyn ahma! wakakaakak! Whenever the female and the male lead, in the movie, kiss, ahma will cover her face with her hand!!! hahahahas!!! LOLS. Wonder what she's shy of... She's not the one kissing what... LOLS. =x So... romance movie are not recommended to old people like jocelyn ahma! hahahahas!! xP
Its cold, so I've gotten my jacket on. hehes. xP Everybody jealous ar? hahas! xP I am 'HOT'!! hahahahas! =x Took neoprint! wah, its been a long time since we take a neoprint duh. =)) Post, post, post, post, everyone posting non stop... hahas. Then suddenly kaifeng came... I didn't know anything... so... erm... just followed the rest of them... lols. After kaifeng left, we went to B1, I suppose, and look for food!!! =D And... can die waiting for jovin... LOLS. She took for don't know how many umteens of hours, just exaggerating, to choose the flavour of ice-cream she wants. LOLS!
Took mrt back to bishan. Went to arcade, funland. WHEW! haha! I had improve on my driving skills! hahahahas!!! xP FUN FUN FUN!!! Rachel went off first, followed by huimin and us, jocelyn ahma, jovin and me! xD It seems to be a long day to me... Hey,
huimin, remember drink lots of water! =))
take care!
By the way, today's the last day for the trainee teachers, namely,
Ms Khiew, Ms Lim, Ms Koh, Ms Heng and Ms Yong! All the best to them!!! Hope to see them again!! =D Thanks bren for telling me the names ah... =))
Hahas my IQ is high ahhh xP
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Hahas, just took a survey and and... OMG! My IQ is so high??? Never thought of that... I thought that I am always blur and... erm... sometimes crazy? LOLS. Influenced by crazy friends... =x Hahas try it yourself too! =D
Finally bought the TV adapter and its working!!! =D wahhh! hahas. So definitely won't miss any show of felicia!! yay!!! wakakakaka!!! And and... guess what?... I found the tweety shop!!! whew!!! Finally! Thanks peiling and liqing for telling me! =D hehes. Felicia is damn chio in the poster!! =D
Wednesday, May 7, 2008 // back to top?
Ahhaaa! The way to FREDOM!... is finally reached! lols. xD Exams are over!!! =D
Imeadiately after exam list =)) :
1. Stayed back after exams and bid farewell to the tranie teachers.
2. Had lunch and went home with bren.
3. Bath and started using computer!!! xD
4. Blast music!!!! x333
5. Changed blogskin! Its pink again! And its NICE!!! x333
6. Had KFC for dinner!!! delicious!!! ^^
7. Continued using computer until now... lols xP
8. Blogging and chatting on MSN.
Discovery: Today, everyone is LOL! Especially in MSN!!! LOLS!
Promise to be made, improve on my english, I'm trying :))